XML: eXtensible Markup Language

The module provides XML parsing and printing procedures. It also exports the SXML procedures.

To use the bindings from this module:

(import :std/markup/xml)



(read-xml source [namespaces: ()]) -> sxml | error

  source     := port | string | u8vector
  namespaces := alist or hash-table mapping urls to namespace prefixes

Reads and parses XML from source and returns SXML result. namespaces is optional alist or a hash table of mapping uri (string) -> namespace (string) same interface as parse-xml so that implementations can be swapped. Signals an error on invalid source value.


> (import :std/markup/xml)
> (read-xml "<foo><element id=\"1\">foobar</element><element id=\"2\">barbaz</element></foo>")
(*TOP* (foo (element (@ (id "1")) "foobar") (element (@ (id "2")) "barbaz")))



(write-xml sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void

  sxml := SXML nodes
  port := output port

Writes given sxml data as XML into output port. Signals an error on invalid port.

(print-sxml->xml sxml [port = (current-output-port)]) -> void

  sxml := SXML nodes
  port := output port

Write given sxml into port after converting it to XML. Indents the result to multiple lines.